Thanks for stopping by A Family Place. I enjoy working with families, and sharing the power of music with them. Kindermusik provides this outlet for me. This blog will allow me to share thoughts and ideas that can help families in their journey.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Orff class, Senjua

Cannon, Parker, Renee, Kenzi, Mallory & Natalie pose before their performance.

Carl Orff was a German composer, best known for Carmina Burana. He also developed a system called Orff Schulwerk. It is a way to teach and learn music specifically designed for children.

It is based on things children like to do: sing, chant rhymes, clap, dance, and keep a beat on anything near at hand. These instincts are directed into learning music by hearing and making music first, then reading and writing it later. This is the same way we all learned our language.

Orff Schulwerk uses poems, rhymes, games, songs, and dances as examples and basic materials. These may be traditional or original. Spoken or sung, they may be accompanied by clapping and stamping or by drums, sticks, and bells. The special Orff melody instruments include wooden xylophones and metal glockenspiels that offer good sound immediately. Played together as in a small orchestra, their use helps children become sensitive listeners and considerate participants.

Senjua is an African welcome song that the children developed a movement sequence. Part of the Orff experience is for the children to create and contribute, therefore not so teacher driven.
It was a great week with a fun group of kids. I hope to see them all again next summer.

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