Thanks for stopping by A Family Place. I enjoy working with families, and sharing the power of music with them. Kindermusik provides this outlet for me. This blog will allow me to share thoughts and ideas that can help families in their journey.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Enroll now!

Come see why the Kindermusik program at 
Berry College is the best!

It's time to enroll in the fall semester of Kindermusik classes.  Save $15 if you enroll before July 15.  Classes begin the week of August 18 and meet weekly for the 15 week semester. There are classes for babies, toddlers and preschoolers in the morning.  After school classes meet for big kids wanting to learn the written language of music.  Late afternoon and evening classes are available for preschoolers, toddlers and babies to enjoy with their families as well.  To see a schedule and register visit  For more information email

Families in a summer Village class enjoy a group dance.

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