Thanks for stopping by A Family Place. I enjoy working with families, and sharing the power of music with them. Kindermusik provides this outlet for me. This blog will allow me to share thoughts and ideas that can help families in their journey.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Power of Music

I believe in the power of music.  I have witnessed it personally, professionally and privately.

I was in graduate school and pregnant with my first child.  I was working on Chopin Nocturne in B Major throughout my pregnancy.  After Aaron was born there were days and nights of crying, and we discovered he was colicky.  Before we determined this was the problem there was a night where nothing would calm him.  I asked my husband to hold him while I played the Chopin. The baby is screaming his head off and when the music began, he stopped and looked up at his dad with eyes that said "that is my music".  It was quite a moment at the Nobles household.

As a professional musician, I have felt the joy of performing with others.  In a private time of singing or listening to music I have been moved to tears.  There is just something about music!  We have  all experienced it.  I'm glad that science is now involved to "prove" what we have known all along.   Read more here!  It is encouraging to know that music can have a positive impact throughout our lives.

"Addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart,"  [Ephesians 5:19]

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