Thanks for stopping by A Family Place. I enjoy working with families, and sharing the power of music with them. Kindermusik provides this outlet for me. This blog will allow me to share thoughts and ideas that can help families in their journey.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Listening to Music

As a musician, I admit to listening to very little music.  I know that seems strange, but let me explain.  Most people have music playing in their car, and in their house.  The majority of the time this is just filler...background music.  Nothing wrong with it.  In fact, society promotes it.  Elevator music, music while we shop, music while we are 'on hold', commercials and tv shows with music.  I get a lot of strange looks, and comments when I tell people that I don't listen to music.  They usually think I am kidding.   

Music is my job.  I have to listen to it, right?  Yes, but even my leisure listening is with a definitive purpose.  I turn on Copland, and really listen to the motifs that occur throughout his symphonic works.  I listen to Bach, and enjoy the polyphonic texture he created with elegance and proficiency.  David Holt sings a folk song, and I listen to the instrumentation as it compliments the text.  At church I listen to the blend of instruments and voices. During football season I go to hear the band at half-time!

Yes, I sing along when I listen to music.  I will tap my toes, and sometimes conduct the music.  I may not listen the same way as other folks, but I embrace music with my heart, soul & mind.  

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